Ask Kari: How can I confront my husband who is flirting with women on Facebook?

Dear Kari,
I recently logged into my husband’s Facebook account and discovered that he has been chatting with a lot of women that he is friends with. Almost of all the conversation include direct flirting with very suggestive statements. He has even propositioned two of the women to hook up with him. I am devastated that he is doing this to me, to us. How should I bring it up to him?--Broken Hearted
Dear Broken Hearted,
First, I would choose a good private time to speak with your husband and inform him of your findings. Then, I would let him know that you were deeply hurt to find him speaking to other women in a suggestive manner since he is married to you. Ask him if he has participated in acting out his suggestive statements or intends to do so in the future. Based on his answers, determine his commitment to you and your marriage. I also suggest that you consider seeking out counseling if you find that the marriage is struggling to overcome this situation.

About Kari:
Kari O’Neill, MSW, LICSW, is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and the owner and Clinical Director of Issaquah Highlands Counseling Group (IHCG), which is now Kari O’Neill Counseling.
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