Ask Kari: Do I always have to bring something when my neighbor invites us to their home?

Dear Kari,
My neighbor invites my husband and I over for drinks frequently and always asks that we bring a bottle of wine and an appetizer. I like visiting with them, but I feel that an invite should not include requirements. What do you think?--Socially Put Off
Dear Socially Put Off,
You stated that you like visiting with your neighbors but not the requirements that are attached to the invite. I suggest that you refocus your attention from having to bring food and wine when you visit, to the company that you get to enjoy during the visit. Maybe your neighbors have some financial restraints and appreciate your contribution, and that’s why they ask. Or, maybe they always bring items to friends’ homes when they visit and simply are not aware that their request for you to do the same could be off-putting. So enjoy your friends and their hospitality and consider your contributions a gift to be enjoyed by all, including you.

About Kari:
Kari O’Neill, MSW, LICSW, is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker and the owner and Clinical Director of Issaquah Highlands Counseling Group (IHCG), which is now Kari O’Neill Counseling.
This column is for entertainment purposes only. If you are in crisis and in need of support please contact the Crisis Clinic at 866-427-4747.