Ask Kari: How do I end a relationship with someone I recently met online?

Dear Kari,

I met a new man online at the beginning of summer and now I am ready to end the relationship. How do I end it without any hurt feelings?

Moving On

Dear Moving On,

It seems that you enjoyed the dating relationship enough to keep it going for a few months, but have now decided it is no longer a match for you. Whatever the reasons you have for ending the relationship, I recommend doing so in person or over the phone instead of text message or email. Doing so allows the other party the opportunity of a human exchange with you, which helps with closure and allows both dignity and a mature exchange that you both can be proud of. Reflect ahead of time about what you want to say (examples: “I Have enjoyed our time together but I do not believe that we are a match moving forward”, “I wish you well”). Also, I recommend you consider reflecting on what you offer a potential partner and what you hope for in a potential partner, before begin dating again. Good luck!


As published in the September 2017 issue of Connections.


About Kari:

Kari O’Neill, MSW, LICSW, is a licensed independent clinical social worker and a resident of Issaquah Highlands.

This column is for entertainment purposes only. If you are in crisis and in need of support please contact the Crisis Clinic at 866-427-4747.

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